My bio
My study
dr Marie Ginette AMANI-FRIDRICH is an entrepreneur, sociologist, journalist, lawyer, coach, writer, speaker, expert in communication and information sciences, techniques and technologies, management and administration of companies and organizations, and specialist in humanitarian and development issues.
After graduating from high school, Dr. Marie Ginette AMANI-FRIDRICH initially studied law with a focus on administrative and political law, which she completed with a DEUG. She then studied communication and information sciences and techniques, which trained her to become a journalist, press attaché and communications specialist, and she graduated with a French master’s degree, which she earned at the top of her year. She then continued her academic career and earned a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on International Relations. dr Marie Ginette AMANI-FRIDRICH completed her doctoral studies in the USA with distinction (mention: cum laude), PhD in sociology. dr AMANI-FRIDRICH’s career has also been enriched by her participation in numerous conferences and further training courses. To this end, she holds numerous certificates, including the certificate obtained in Germany as a specialist for “fund raising” within the framework of the European Union and the certificate on “Entrepreneurship in the economies of emerging countries” from the American Harvard University (HBS). “I love learning and being entrepreneurial,” she says.
My career
dr Amani-Fridrich is a German entrepreneur and managing director of her own companies active in the field of international cooperation and international trade, focusing on the development of transcontinental projects. Her company AMAN-International (AI), based in Germany, focuses on trading goods and services and promoting labels, including her own brands (Gin’s AFRO®, Amani-Fridrich®, Cicero Management Akademie ®, etc.) in a prestigious positioning that also ensures a good presence on their own technology platforms as well as on international marketplaces.
dr Amani-Fridrich’s practical experience has been refined through her many years of cooperation and expertise with companies, institutions and organizations. She passes on this experience by offering consultation and coaching and leading lectures and masterclasses in her various areas of expertise. She is also the initiator of international PR events such as La Croisière du Coeur®, Salon International de l’Humanitaire, du Social et du Développement ®, La Nuit de L’Excellence dans l’Humanitaire®, etc.

My social and cultural commitment
dr Also known as a pioneer, Marie Ginette AMANI-FRIDRICH is a young, non-political figure in Africa who founded her own non-profit foundation “Fondation AMAN-International (FAI)” in 2003, which focuses on disadvantaged children, women and young people. dr As founding President of the FAI, AMANI-FRIDRICH has helped, motivated and inspired many people and continues to support the organization. dr AMANI-FRIDRICH is the initiator and sponsor of the Humanitarian Corps ® program and its training academy to mobilize young and old people for humanitarian projects. She has received numerous awards for her social commitment and was awarded the status of “Chevalier de l’Ordre du Mérite de la Solidarité et de la Cohésion Sociale” (Knight of the Order of Merit for Solidarity and Social Cohesion) in her home country of Ivory Coast.
dr Since 2002, Marie Ginette AMANI-FRIDRICH has also carried out one of the largest scientific studies on the woven loincloth in Ivory Coast and Africa on a cultural level. Her published studies are the first and rarest written research on traditional African textiles aimed at enhancing them to facilitate their distribution.
I am a writer
dr Marie Ginette AMANI-FRIDRICH is a writer and was honored for her first short story entitled “Je t’aime comme tu es”, which was published in the 2004 collection Intimate Trust. Her second production, her novel entitled “Alliance”, was edited and published in 2007. Then, under her pseudonym Marie Hanania, she published the volume of poetry “Inintelligible Galimatias” (2019), the scientific work “L’Histoire d’une Fibre” (2020), the historical and photographic work “Collections de nos Textiles – Tissés traditionnels… “. (2020), “Humanitarian Aid Is a Natural Impulse of the Heart” (2021) and many more books and forthcoming music albums. dr Marie Ginette Amani-Fridrich “… made a name for herself thanks to God!” she admits. Their productions and activities in detail can be viewed on their websites, among others, or via their official main page:

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